When a booking is moved to Complete checked-in, user is prompted to update traveller payments, which is made up of:

  1. Traveller folio.
  2. Payment.
  3. Deposit.

View and Update Traveller Details at Any Time

1. Click on “Edit”.

2. Select ”Traveller payment” from the dropdown OR

3. Click on “Traveler folio” summary.

4. Make required changes to Traveller folio, Payment or Deposit.

Let’s have a closer look at these 3 sections (Traveller folio, Payment, Deposit) through the following scenarios:

Add a Payment

Scenario: Guest Jason T checks-in and is asked to pay outstanding room charges of IDR2,300,000 (Booking.com Postpay booking).

1. In the Payment section:

  • Enter amount to be paid of IDR2,300,000.
  • Select payment date (date of check-in if room charges are to be paid upon arrival).
  • Select payment method by guest from dropdown.
  • Enter any payment notes.

2. Hit Save.

3. Traveller payment is now reflected in the folio which is currently balanced since all outstanding room charges have been paid.

Note: Folio will not reflect room charges at check-in for Prepay bookings since guest has paid in advance.

Refund a Payment

In cases where a traveler refund is required, simply switch the toggle from “Traveller payment” to “Traveller refund” to record a payment to the traveller in the same manner.

Collect a Deposit

Scenario: Front-desk collects an additional IDR300,000 refundable deposit for incidentals/damages.

1. In the Deposit section:

  • Enter deposit amount of IDR300,000.
  • Select payment date (date of check-in if deposit is to be paid upon arrival).
  • Select payment method by guest.
  • Enter any deposit notes.

2. Hit "Save".

3. Details of the new deposit held are now reflected at the top of the section.

Add a Charge

Scenario: During the stay, Jason eats at the hotel restaurant with a bill of IDR200,000.

1. Click on the + sign in the Traveller folio section to add a charge.

2. In the add charge section:

  • Enter a charge description.
  • Select a charge type.
  • Select date of charge.
  • Enter the total amount*.
  • Enter any payment notes.

3. Hit "Save".

*Alternatively, enter the Base (excl. taxes) amount and the Total will be automatically calculated based on default tax settings. Update tax/tax% if necessary.

4. New charge is now reflected in folio.

Offset Charges with Deposit

Scenario: On check-out, Jason uses his deposit to offset his outstanding bill.

In the Deposit section:

1. Select ”Offset charges”.

2. Enter:

  • 200,000 (amount to be offset).
  • Offset date.
  • Any offset notes.

3. Hit ”Save”.

4. A record of the deposit offset is now displayed.

5. The deposit offset is reflected as a credit item in the Traveller folio. Since the deposit offset amount is equal to outstanding charges, the folio is now balanced.

Refund a Deposit

Scenario: Remaining deposit of IDR100,000 is returned to Jason.

In the Deposit section:

1. Select ”Refunding a deposit”.

2. Enter:

  • 100,000 (amount to be refunded).
  • Refund date.
  • Payment method.
  • Any refund notes.

3. Hit ”Save”.

4. A record of the deposit refund is now displayed. Deposit amount held is now 0.

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Tags: Traveller payments, booking cards, bookings, update traveller payments, traveller details, traveller folio, payment, deposit, add payment, refund payment, collect deposit, add charge, offset charges with deposit, refund deposit