When a guest is checked-in and the booking status updates to "Checked-in", users are prompted to update payment details in the Traveller Folio. Any additional charges or services incurred during the guest’s stay should also be recorded. Both updating the booking status and the Traveller Folio can be done directly in the ZUZU Mobile App.

View a Traveller Folio

  1. Tap on any booking you want to view.
  2. In the top right corner of the Reservation details, tap the hamburger icon/three lines icon and select 'Traveller Folio'. 

In the Traveller Folio, you will find a summary of the room rate, recorded charges, and traveller payments.

Add a Guest Charge

  1. Tap the '+' icon located at the top bottom corner of the Traveller Folio and select 'Add guest charges'.
  2. Complete all mandatory fields (charge description, charge type, base price). The Note field is optional.
  • The Base price is entered manually, but Tax and Total will be automatically calculated. If users would like to modify the Tax amount, it can only be done from the desktop version of HMS. 

Once all mandatory fields are filled, users can tap the 'Save' button to record the charge.

Example below:

A guest ordered a salad to be delivered to their room. The base price is $15.00. When the Base price is entered, the Tax will be automatically added and the Total amount field will calculate the base price plus tax.

Edit or Delete a Guest Charge

Guest charges can be modified or deleted.

  1. Select the charge you want to modify or delete.
  2. Make any necessary changes to the charge and tap 'Save',


Tap the trash icon to delete the charge.

Example below:

The Traveller Folio balance was $255.85 but after deleting the In-room F&B charge, the balance now is $238.00.

Add a Guest Payment

  1. Tap the '+' icon located in the bottom corner of the Traveller Folio and select 'Add guest payment'.
  2. Enter the amount the traveller needs to pay to balance the Traveller Folio to $0.00. The Payment note is optional.

Once all fields are completed, tap 'Save' to record the payment.

Example below:

A guest payment of $255.85 had been paid by the traveller in Cash on 21 Oct 2024 and recorded in the Traveller Folio. The Traveller Folio balance is now $0.00.

Edit a Guest Payment

Users can modify only the payment method and payment note of a recorded guest payment. Once recorded, a guest payment cannot be deleted.

  1. Select the guest payment you want to modify. Make any necessary changes to the payment method by choosing a different option from the dropdown menu.
    • If needed, update the payment note, and then tap 'Save.'
  2. The payment method has been changed.

Example below:

An error occurred when recording the payment method, and the user wanted to change the method from Cash to Bank Transfer.

All guest payments and charges are recorded in the Traveler Folio. Users can also track who added each record, as well as the posting date and time, by clicking on the light blue dot next to the charge or payment amount.

When the guest checks-out, always remember to collect the outstanding amount if the Traveller Folio balance shows an amount greater than $0.00. Once the balance is settled, update the booking status to 'Check-out'.

Read also: How to record guest payments and guest charges in the HMS

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Tags: Guest payment, guest charge, traveller folio, reservations tab, notifications tab, traveller payment, traveller charge, modify traveller folio, update status, update guest payment, update guest charge, additional charges, add guest payment, modify guest payment details, add guest charge, modify guest charge details, delete guest charge, traveller folio balance, settling traveller folio balance, recording charges, recording payments