Check-in options only appear on check-in date (and after the check-in date if booking has yet to be checked-in).

Difference between One-Click Check-In and Complete Check-In

One-click check-in allows users to check-in guest instantly (in one click) without reviewing traveller details and traveller payments. 

Such bookings will have two check-out options: (1) One-click check out, or (2) Complete check-out

If no manual check-out was performed, bookings which were checked-in using One-click will be automatically checked out the day after the check-out date on the booking card. The status on the booking card will reflect "Auto checked-out".  

Complete check-in prompts users to review and update (if needed) traveller details and traveller payments at check-in. For hotels with Postpay bookings, we recommend doing complete check-in instead so that front desk remembers to collect room charges from guest upon arrival.

Such bookings will only have one check-out option, Complete check-out

One-Click Check-In

1A. Select “One-click check-in” to check-in guest instantly.

  • Bookings cannot be ‘One-click checked-in’ if a traveller payment has been applied prior to check-in.

2A. Click ”Yes” to proceed.

3A. Status is now updated to “One-click checked-in”.

Complete Check-In

1B. Select “Complete check-in” to check-in guest and review traveller details and traveller payments.

2B. Click “Yes” to proceed.

3B. Status is now updated to “Complete checked-in”.

  • Traveller details and traveller payments will now automatically pop up to prompt review and (if needed) revision of details.

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Tags: Booking status, check-in options, one-click check-in, complete check-in, booking card, bookings