
How Do I Add an Offline (Manual Booking)?
Question: How do I add an offline (manual booking)? Answer: Offline (manual bookings) can be added through the Reservations calendar page or the All reserv...
Fri, 5 Apr, 2024 at 3:37 PM
How do I mark no-shows?
**From September 2022, ZUZU will not be able to revise any invoices due to unmarked no shows. Once the invoice is generated, OTAs will not allow no-show mod...
Fri, 5 Apr, 2024 at 3:44 PM
How Do I Look Up a Booking in HMS?
Question: How do I look up a booking in HMS? Answer: All bookings can be found on the All reservations page. To access the All reservations page, ...
Fri, 5 Apr, 2024 at 3:48 PM
What is the difference between BEIPrepay and BEIScheduled?
Bookings from online direct channels can be identified by one of the following channel names: BEIPrepay, BEIScheduled GooglePrepay, GoogleScheduled T...
Fri, 5 Apr, 2024 at 3:58 PM
Can I make Bulk/Multiple bookings for one reservation?
Question: Can I make Bulk/Multiple (group) bookings for one reservation? Answer: Yes, you can. Bulk or Multiple bookings can be manually created from the A...
Tue, 14 May, 2024 at 11:05 AM