Question: How do I look up a booking in HMS?

Answer: All bookings can be found on the All reservations page.

To access the All reservations page,

Sort/Filter Based on Selected Criteria

Filter and sort the report based on your preferred criteria. Click on a column heading to use that as a filter/sort criteria. Multiple criteria can be applied.

Commonly used filters include (not limited to) - 

Clear Filter

1. A column header is highlighted if it is currently used as a filter/sort.

2. To clear an applied filter, click on the column header and revert to default settings.

Download Report

1. To download the report as an image (jpg) file for printing, click on the camera icon at the top of the page.

2. To download the report as an excel file, click on the download tray icon.

Note: If the files are too big, they will be sent to your email.

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Tags: Bookings, reservations, All reservations, All reservations page, sort, filter