Invoicing arrangements for ZUZU Partners fall into one of the following 3 models:

  1. Invoice sent twice a month
  2. Invoice sent only once a month.
  3. Invoice sent once a week (SteadyPay)

Q: When do hotels receive their ZUZU invoices? 

Hotels on models 1 and 2 will receive their invoices within two to seven business days after the end of the last invoice cycle. 

Hotels on SteadyPay (model 3) will receive their invoices on 4 fixed dates in a month - the 3rd, 10th, 18th and 26th days of the month. 

HMS users can check the invoicing frequency that is applicable to your property on the Hotel Configuration page in HMS. From the left-hand navigation, click on Hotel Settings > Hotel Configuration. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the Invoicing section.

Q: Which bookings get included in the invoice?

All bookings with a check-in date up to one day before the start of the next invoice cycle date will be included in the invoice. This includes bookings in all statuses, including bookings which were not manually checked-in by the hotel since those will be auto-checked in by the system. 

Eg. If the next invoice cycle date for a hotel on SteadyPay is on the 16th day of the month, all bookings with check-in date from the 8th to the 15th day of the month, will be included in the invoice.

Invoicing frequency
Once a month
Twice a month

Four times a month


Invoice cycle date ranges
1st to last day of the month-1st to 7th
-1st to 15th
8th to 15th
--16th to 23rd
-16th to last day of the month
24th to last day of the month

Q: When does the invoice need to be paid?

If the outstanding amount on the invoice is due to ZUZU, the amount needs to be paid within 14 days of the invoice date. 

If your hotel is on model 1 and 2 and the outstanding amount on the invoice is due from ZUZU to the hotel, you will receive it within five working days of the invoice date.

Hotels on SteadyPay with outstanding invoice amounts (due from ZUZU to the hotel) will receive payments on fixed dates every week - specifically on the 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 25th of each month - following the established payment schedule. 

The table below details the invoice and payment dates for hotels on SteadyPay:

Booking check-in dates:
Invoice send date:
Payment date:
1st to 7th
8th to 15th
2nd of the following month
16th to 23rd
26th9th of the following month
24th to the end of the month
3rd of the following month
16th of the following month

If the payment date falls on a weekend or public holiday, the amount will be paid the next working day.

Q: What happens if there is an error on the invoice that needs to be corrected?

Please contact the Support Team and provide them with the details of the error.

Once it has been verified by our Finance Team, a credit/debit note will be issued. The credit/debit note will automatically be applied to future invoices, when applicable. There will be no revision to any invoices.

No credit notes will be issued due to unmarked no-shows at any time.

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: ZUZU billing cycle, hotel invoices, invoice frequency, invoice payment, invoice errors, SteadyPay, invoicing arrangements, ZUZU Partners, weekly billing cycle, weekly payment schedule, weekly invoice, ZUZU payment cycle, ZUZU billing cycle, steady cash flow, better financial management, fixed payment dates