7 August 2024 - Highly anticipated update on ZUZU Payment Cycle.

We’re excited to introduce SteadyPay, a new invoicing arrangement for our ZUZU Partners.

→ What's Changing?

Starting August 2024, we are moving from our current bi-monthly billing cycles to a weekly billing cycle. Under SteadyPay, hotels will receive their invoices every week, providing a more consistent and predictable payment schedule.

→ Why the Change?  

At ZUZU, we are dedicated to continuous improvement. This update is designed to better support your financial management by providing a steadier cash flow and reducing financial stress, leading to smoother operations. 

→ How will it work?

Hotels will receive payments weekly on the 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 25th of each month.

The detailed payment schedule is as follows:

  • Bookings checked in from the 1st to the 7th: Invoices sent on the 10th, and payment settled on the 25th.
  • Bookings checked in from the 8th to the 15th: Invoices sent on the 18th, and payment settled on the 2nd of the following month.
  • Bookings checked in from the 16th to the 23rd: Invoices on the 26th, and payment settled on the 9th of the following month.
  • Bookings checked in from the 24th to the end of the month: Invoices sent on the 3rd of the following month, and payment settled on the 16th of the following month.

Find more information about the ZUZU Billing Cycle in this article.

This rollout of this new billing cycle will occur in phases, and you will receive advance notice before your property’s transition.

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: SteadyPay, invoicing arrangements, ZUZU Partners, weekly billing cycle, weekly payment schedule, weekly invoice, ZUZU payment cycle, ZUZU billing cycle, steady cash flow, better financial management, fixed payment dates