Since July 2021, all bookings made via the ZUZU Booking Engine must be paid or guaranteed with an alternative method of payment (AMOP). Here are ways to identify such bookings in HMS:

  • Channel 

  • All bookings from the booking engine will be from the “BEIPrepay” or "BEIScheduled" channel. 

  • If the booking was received from Google or Trivago, the channel will indicate "GooglePrepay", "GoogleScheduled", "TrivagoPrepay" or "TrivagoScheduled".

  • In cases where a booking was made before July 2021 when this feature had not yet been rolled out, the channel will show "BEIPostpay", "GooglePostpay" and "TrivagoPostpay". 

  • Credit Card icon 

  • Bookings from the booking engine which have been prepaid or authorised with a credit/debit card, e-wallet, virtual account or e-banking method will reflect the credit card icon on the booking card, where the Traveller Folio section is

  • Depending on the cancellation policy and the type of payment method used, the credit card icon will be in a different colours (Credit card statuses on bookings from Direct Channels)

  • If the channel on the booking card contains "xxxPostpay", there will not be a credit card icon and the hotel will need to collect the amount from the guest at check-in or check-out. 

For an overview of the booking card, read this article

To learn how to navigate the All Reservations page, read this article

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: Prepaid bookings, prepaid, bookings, credit card, debit card, ZUZU booking engine, BEIPrepay, Google, GooglePrepay, GoogleScheduled, Trivago, TrivagoPrepay, TrivagoScheduled, alternative method of payment, AMOP, channel, booking engine, credit card icon, credit card icon colours, booking cards