The All Reservations page gives users the ability to:

  • Search for bookings quickly;
  • Download and print booking details;
  • Create custom views using a combination of column and filter selections.

Unlike the Dashboard, the All Reservations page is a report of ALL bookings that have been made, regardless of book date. 

Actions You Can Take in All Reservations

  • Read this article to understand the list of all bookings grouped by its Arrival date, Departure date, or Booked date in the ZUZU Mobile App.
  • Read this article to see what's included and what can be done from the Booking Card in the ZUZU Mobile App.
  • Read this article to learn how to create manual/offline bookings from the ZUZU Mobile App.
  • Acknowledge bookings.

Watch the video below to learn about the All Reservations page in HMS:


0:21 All Reservations Feature

1:48 What can be done from this page?

2:18 Today's Activity

4:17 Default Views

8:02 Custom Views

8:39 Columns and Filters

12:00 Search name or channel booking ID

12:25 Adding a New Booking

13:12 Downloading reports as Excel or image file

13:35 Accessing the Calendar View

Some features also exist in our ZUZU Mobile App! Watch this video to learn more:

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: All Reservations, bookings, booking details, Custom Views, Columns and Filters, Default Views, booked date, More Views, booking cards, manual bookings, reservation reports