The Occupancy Report is found under the Analytics tab in HMS.

This report provides an overview of the hotel's performance by its occupancy and trend for a specified period. It includes the detailed breakdown of available, sold, and closed rooms. By default, this report displays data on a daily basis, but it can also be adjusted to aggregate the data by week, month, quarter, year, or a custom period.

There are two views: a chart and a table, found on the report: (1) Occupancy Chart and (2) Occupancy Table.

(1) Occupancy Chart

This line chart shows the four occupancy metrics: Adjusted Occupancy, Estimated Adjusted Occupancy, Raw Occupancy, and Estimated Occupancy. The definition of each occupancy type can be found at the bottom of the Occupancy report. 

The visualisation on the chart is useful for comparing the differences in Raw Occupancy and Estimated Adjusted Occupancy. It helps users understand pricing decisions taken by the ZUZU Revenue Management System since the Estimated Adjusted Occupancy is used as an indication of demand for the property on any date. 

The Chart Filter buttons help users to view a specific occupancy metric.

For example: if a user wants to see the Raw Occupancy data in the Occupancy chart, they can click the 'Inv' button to hide all metrics and choose 'Raw Occupancy' to display only that data in the chart.

Read this article about Chart Filters to learn more about this functionality.

(2) Occupancy Table

By default, this table lists the daily occupancy of the hotel by day, but can be grouped by dates according to the Time Grain selected. The data includes pre-booked and manual bookings, but excludes Test bookings, Cancelled bookings, and No-show bookings.

Retrieving the data from a specific date and time range simply can be done by customising the period from the report filters, located at the top of the page.

Always remember to click on the master Apply button after changing the selected filters.


Hotel wants to view both the Occupancy Chart and Occupancy Table for the period 1 to 15 June 2024. In the Occupancy Chart, the hotel would like to view only the Estimated Adjusted Occupancy data. The data displayed in the Occupancy Table is grouped by day.


  1. The Time Filter is set to 'Custom' as the range type, configured with a Specific Date/Time starting on 1 June (inclusive) and ending on 16 June* (exclusive), organised on a daily basis.
    *To include 15 June, the end date must be set to June 16th with timestamp 
    00:00:00, NOT June 15th.
  2. The line chart displays a single occupancy metric data after clicking the 'Inv' button and selecting 'Estimated Adjusted Occupancy'.
  3. The table displays data grouped by day.

Downloading the Report

The entire page of the Occupancy Report can be downloaded as an image by clicking the three horizontal dots at the upper right corner of the page.

Each of the views can be downloaded individually as well, by clicking on the three dots at the top-right corner of each view. A dropdown list will appear with three options: as a .CSV file, an Excel file, and an image.

You can find explanations for each term at the bottom of the Occupancy Report page.

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: Occupancy report, trend, analytics, occupancy chart, occupancy table, hotel's performance, Adjusted occupancy, Estimated adjusted occupancy, Raw occupancy, Estimated occupancy, metric data, report filter, chart filter, time grain, time range, range type, timestamp 00:00:00, pricing decisions, ZUZU revenue management system, inv button, daily occupancy