**From September 2022, ZUZU will not be able to revise any invoices due to unmarked no shows. Once the invoice is generated, OTAs will not allow no-show modifications and hotels will be liable to pay full commission based on the invoice.

To mark a booking as no-show in HMS,

1. Open the booking card and click on “No show” at the top of the card

  • Note: This button will only appear after the check-in date has passed

2. A pop-up will appear indicating if there are applicable cancellation penalties that will be owed by the guest to hotel 

  1. To mark the booking as no-show and not waive the penalty, click on “Yes”
  2. To mark the booking as no-show and waive the penalty, click on “Waive amount”
    • Hotels are entitled to enforce your no show policy. You should only select this option if you are certain that you will not be able to charge the guest for this, for example, if the guest has called the hotel to request for a waiver and you have agreed. 

3. Booking status is now updated to “No show” in HMS

Things to note:

  • No-shows have to be marked in HMS within 48 hours of end of check-in date (e.g. if check-in date is 15 Sep, then no-show needs to marked by 17 Sep 11:59pm), otherwise no-show status will be reflected in HMS but not sent to the Third Party Channel/OTA
    • The same deadline applies to waiving of cancellation penalties
  • Once updates have been sent to the Third Party Channel/OTA , they cannot be reverted
  • Once the invoice is generated, OTAs will not allow no-show modifications and hotels will be liable to pay full commission based on the invoice. 

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: No-shows, noshow, non-arrival, non-appearance, absence, All reservations, past arrival dates, past check-in dates, booking status, booking, booking card