Housekeeping defaults to showing current room conditions for each room in the property and expected room status today

Filter rooms by room status by clicking on the filter tabs

  1. Turnover: Guest checking out today and another guest checking in today
  2. Check-out: Guest checking out today but no other guest checking in today
  3. Stay-over: Guest was already in-house yesterday and is also staying at hotel tonight
  4. Check-in: Room was empty last night but guest is checking in today

Why is it important to view rooms by room status?
In some hotels, housekeeping work is prioritized based on room status. Turnover rooms and Check-in rooms are most urgent, followed by stay-overs and finally check-out rooms.

Room status summary explained

  1. Turnover – 10 of 11: Out of 11 turnover rooms to clean today, 10 are still dirty
  2. Check-out – 4 of 5: Out of 5 check-out rooms to clean today, 4 are still dirty
  3. Stay-over – 14 of 14: Out of 14 stay-over rooms to clean today, 14 are still dirty
  4. Check-in – 3 of 3: Out of 3 check-out rooms to clean today, 3 is still dirty

Filter by dirty/clean vacant rooms

  1. Vacant rooms – Dirty 18: Out of all currently vacant rooms, 18 are dirty
  2. Vacant rooms – Clean 11: Out of all currently vacant rooms, 11 are clean

  • When a guest arrives at the property, if not previously assigned a room, hotel user can use the "Vacant rooms Clean" filter to identify a suitable room to allocate guest to
  • "Vacant rooms Dirty" filter allows a hotel user to quickly identify dirty Turnover, Check-in, and Check-out rooms today where a guest is no longer/not yet in the room and therefore ready for housekeeping team to go in

Further filter and sort the report based on your preferred criteria. Click on a column heading to use that as a filter/sort criteria. Multiple criteria can be applied.

Possible filters include -

Filter to see all dirty rooms to be cleaned today

  1. Click on the “Room condition” filter
  2. Select all “Dirty wait”, “Dirty – to be cleaned” and “Dirty – to be cleaned and change linen” rooms
    • “Dirty – hold” rooms are not to be cleaned yet
  3. Hit “Go”
  4. Table now shows only dirty rooms to be cleaned today. In the example in the screenshot, this is a total of 12 rooms and this is summarized at the top of the Housekeeping list

Click on “Clear all filters” to remove all applied filters and return the Housekeeping list to its default view

Update room condition

  1. Click on a housekeeping icon
  2. In the dropdown, select a new room condition that the room needs to be updated to
    • For example, when housekeeping work is completed, change a “Dirty – be cleaned & change linen” room condition to “Clean – changed linen”
  3. Room condition has been successfully updated

See other dates

The Housekeeping list is always defaulted to today. 

A: To see any day in the next 6 days, select one of the other dated tabs at the top of the report

B: To see any past dates or dates beyond the next 6 days, click on today’s date at the top of the report, and select the preferred date from the calendar dropdown

Print report

  • Download the selected day’s report as a CSV by clicking on the download tray icon at the top right hand corner of the page
  • To download report as a PDF, click on the printer icon, then select one of 3 options
    • “Print today’s dirty list” will show only dirty rooms today
    • ”Print selected date’s list” will show all rooms on the selected date (based on the filters you’ve applied)
    • “Print selected 7 days” will show all rooms on the selected date and the 6 days after that (based on the filters you’ve applied)

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: Housekeeping management, room status, housekeeping priorities, room cleaning, housekeeping report, room condition