Hotel website and Booking engine

Most travellers in Southeast Asia prefer to book through postpay methods. Doesn’t mandatory prepayment decrease the booking conversion rate?
There is a good mix of guests who prefer to prepay before they arrive at the hotel, and those who prefer to pay after they have arrived at a hotel. There ar...
Sun, 7 Apr, 2024 at 1:13 AM
I want to update my hotel’s description on the website, how do I do it?
Hotel Manager and Back Office user roles have full edit access to the Hotel Content page, where your hotel’s description can be updated. Read this artic...
Sun, 7 Apr, 2024 at 1:22 AM
How do I change the photos appearing on my hotel's website? We have just taken new photos and want to replace the existing ones.
To remove photos from the website:  Drag the photos from Active photos to the Inactive photos box If you wish, you can delete the photos by clicking o...
Sun, 7 Apr, 2024 at 1:28 AM
If a guest is able to provide me with a confirmation number for his booking via the hotel website, does it mean that the booking is Confirmed?
Not always.  A booking is definitely confirmed if: The booking and its confirmation number can be retrieved from HMS; or The hotel has received a con...
Tue, 21 May, 2024 at 2:45 PM