The Booking Card in the ZUZU Mobile App contains all the important information of a booking, including the traveller details, booking details, and other additional booking's information such as the cancellation policy, booking notes, and the log that records any modification made to the booking.

It can be found both on the Reservations list in the Reservations tab and from the Notifications list in the Notifications tab.

Update status and Change the details of the booking

Users can update the status and change the traveller details from the Booking Card in the app.

  1. To update the status: tap on the booking and tap on the button below the guest's name to update the status.
  2. To change the traveller details: tap on the booking and find the pen icon beside the guest's name. The 'Edit traveller details' page will appear. Aside from changing the details, users can also input traveller details for additional guests under the same booking.
    *Any changes made to the booking will be recorded in the Modifications Log. If the booking is currently still in 'Confirmed' status, it will be updated to 'Confirmed-Modified'.

Additional Booking Details

Scroll down to find the additional information of the booking.

  • Cancellation policy: This section provides information about the current cancellation policy status of the booking at the specific point in time.
  • Booking notes: This section contains additional information regarding the booking and the guest. It can include specific requests, preferences, or other details.
  • Booking modifications: This section keeps record of changes that have been applied to the booking.

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Tags: ZUZU Mobile App, booking card, booking card in the app, traveller information, booking information, extended booking card, additional booking information, cancellation policy, booking modifications, booking notes, notifications, reservations list, update booking status, update booking information, edit traveller details, additional guests