20 September 2022 - Revenue management is crucial to the success of your property. One of the key benefits of partnering with ZUZU is that we provide a Revenue Management System (RMS) which automates the adjustment of prices based on multiple factors to maximise your revenue. These factors include occupancy, booking window, competition prices and market demand. Our team of revenue management experts will help define and execute pricing and promotion strategies to optimise your revenue at all times.

What actually goes on behind the scenes? For example, when Property A’s average competition prices drop, our RMS will automatically reduce Property A’s price without going below the minimum price set. If the competition prices increase, Property A’s prices will automatically increase. Automatic adjustments made by our RMS will also vary based on other factors such as the occupancy level and booking window. If Property A has 0% occupancy for a book date 7 days later, our RMS will suggest to reduce the price by 20% from competition prices while ensuring that the price does not fall below the minimum price set.

To demonstrate the effectiveness of our RMS, we conducted a comparison between two groups of properties in Thailand:

  • Test Group: Properties that are constantly working with ZUZU to adjust their rates
  • Control Group: Properties that have insisted on maintaining full control of their rates with the RMS switched off

We evaluated the Month-over-Month (MoM) performance between these 2 groups from the bookings made from 1st July 2022 to 31th Aug 2022 based on the following metrics:

  • Average Daily Rate (ADR)
  • Gross Booking Value (GBV)
  • Room Night (RN) Growth

Would one group outperform the other? Here are the results.

Key Takeaways:

  • As we entered into the recovery season, it was expected that properties would start seeing an uplift in bookings. The Test Group saw an average increase in RN booked of 24% while the RN booked in the Control Group remained the same MoM.
  • Our RMS adapted to the overall price reduction in the market which explains the reduction of the Test Group’s ADR by 8%. On the other hand, the Control Group’s ADR increased by 11%, going against market trends.
  • As a result, the Test Group outperformed the Control Group with a GBV increase of 14% versus 10%.

Our RMS allows you to respond quickly and automatically to changes in the market and to your property’s performance, so you don’t leave any money on the table.

Please reach out if you wish to discuss this further.

Tags: Dynamic pricing, revenue management, post-Covid recovery, revenue optimization, revenue management system, RMS, market demand, competition prices, occupancy, booking window, pricing strategies, revenue growth, hotel performance