Saving any updates on the Hotel Content page will immediately update your Hotel Website and Booking Engine sites.  (Finding my hotel's Website and Booking Engine URL)

Address line

This is your hotel’s address and will have already been updated by the ZUZU team before your website went live. However, you can also update this in the local language of the hotel by selecting the Display language from the dropdown menu. 

Note that this is a mandatory field. So if this is left blank on a new display language template that is being updated, there will be an error when trying to save. 

Hotel description

After photos, the hotel’s description is the next most important in being able to influence a guest’s decision to book your hotel. Being as descriptive as possible; include information on the hotel’s key selling points, facilities, amenities, local area attractions and nearest airport.  

There is a 1536 character limit for this section, which is approximately 250 words. It is recommended that you first write your description in a word document and format the text there before copying and pasting it into the Hotel description text box on the page. 

Hotel photos

Hotel photos should include both exterior and interior shots of common guest areas. They should showcase the best side of your property and be attractive yet realistic. Photos uploaded in this section will only appear on the Hotel website and not the Booking Engine. 

There are two ways to upload photos: Either drag the files to the “Drop files here or click to upload” grey box or click on the green button to select the files from your local folder. 

Important things to note:

  • Upload at least 5 to 7 different photos so that potential guests get a good idea of what your property has to offer

  • Ensure that the photos are properly resized before commencing the upload. The maximum acceptable image dimensions are 750px by 300px with a file size of up to 2MB

  • Photos will be uploaded to the Inactive images section. Remember to drag them into the Active images section or they will not appear on the hotel website. 

Here are the other photo-related articles for your reference:

  1. Grow your Bookings with the Right Photos

  2. Room photos guidelines

  3. Upload room photos

Hotel logo

The Hotel logo appears on multiple guest communication sites and materials. 

Learn all about this here: (Uploading your hotel’s logo for the Booking Engine and other guest communications documents)

Hotel map & Hotel map link

This will be updated for you by the ZUZU Team. If you spot any inaccuracies on the hotel website or booking engine, please contact the ZUZU Support Team and we will assist you accordingly. We recommend that you do not try to update these fields on your own. 

Reset & Save buttons

Reset: Clicking on this reverts any text changes which have been made to the last saved version. 

Save: Clicking on this saves and publishes the latest updates which currently appear on the Hotel Content page. Details of the last saved date, time and user are also recorded here. 

Note: Each Display language template must be saved individually. If you navigate away from the page (eg. select a different language from the dropdown menu) before saving, all the changes which were made will be deleted.  

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the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: Update content, update, content, ZUZU-enabled hotel site, booking engine site, Hotel Content page, hotel website, booking engine, address line, hotel's address, display language, hotel description, hotel's information, hotel photos, exterior photos, interior photos, hotel images, room photos, hotel logo, hotel map, hotel link, reset button, save button