From the left-hand navigation pane, click on Rates and availability > Rooms

Pictures need to be uploaded per room type. For the room type that you would like to update, click on the gear icon, then select “Manage room content”. There will be a pop up in which you can proceed to upload your photos.  

To upload photos saved on your computer, either drag and drop it from your folder, or click on the green bar to select the photo that you want to upload. After a photo has been successfully uploaded, it will appear on the pop up. 

To delete photos, simply click on the trash bin icon on the photo. 

The photos on the booking engine will appear in the order in which they appear on the pop up. They can be reordered by clicking and dragging the thumbnails across each other.  (Note: The drag reordering function does not work on mobile yet.) 

Important points to note:

  1. Upload photos in landscape (horizontal) orientation only

  2. Resize your images to 750px by 300px for best fit (Read this article to learn how.)

  3. The file size must not exceed 2MB

For recommendations of what photos to take and upload, read this article

If you prefer video instructions, watch this.

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: Room photos, upload room photos, upload, photos, Rooms, Manage room content, room type images, image uploading, room picture management, landscape, horizontal, resize images, file size