This is the section where all the outstanding invoices are listed. This means that either the hotel or ZUZU has not received the payment associated with the invoice. 

When an invoice is generated, an email will be sent to the ZUZU-registered invoice recipient for the hotel informing them of the amount outstanding and the due date of the payment. 

The email will also include a pdf attachment of the Settlement Summary, which contains key information associated with the invoice such as the total amount, adjustments (if any) and bank transfer details. This attachment does not contain any booking details

To view the booking details associated with the invoice, you would need to look in the ZUZU Payments page, in the third section called “Invoices awaiting payment from/to ZUZU”. 

To see how to access this page via the email you received, read this article

Clicking on the orange arrow on the left of the invoice number will open up the list of bookings which have been included in the specific invoice.  Details in this view include:

  • Guest Name

  • Channel and ZUZU Confirmation numbers

  • Check-in and Check-out dates

  • Channel business model

  • The final status of the booking at the time the invoice was generated

  • Amount to hotel

  • Amount to ZUZU

  • Balance

For additional details, you can download the full invoice in excel format. The file will also include: 

  • Number of rooms on the booking

  • Channel which the booking was made

  • Gross amount of the booking (i.e. Total amount that the guest paid for the booking)

  • ZUZU Fee (i.e. Amount that ZUZU charges for the booking) 

  • Net amount to hotel (= Gross amount less ZUZU Fee)

  • Other hotel payment to ZUZU

  • Amount collected on behalf of the hotel

  • Amount directly owed to or from ZUZU

  • Notes

*Select only one invoice/check box at a time to download reservation details. If you select more than one invoice/check box, an excel file containing a list of the outstanding invoices will be generated - there will be no individual booking details

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: Invoices, outstanding invoices, payment status, ZUZU invoices, invoice details, invoice payments