To reconcile payments

1. Click on “Bulk Reconciliation” at the top of the page

2. Search for the channel that you would like to reconcile payments for in the search box or select from the list of options (Note: You can select multiple channels in a single reconciliation)

3. Select the arrival date range (not check-in and check-out) of the bookings for which payment reconciliation is to be completed

4. Hit “Confirm”

5. Hit “Ok” to confirm that the displayed Arrival date range is correct and to proceed

Scenario 1: Payments to channel (payment = balance, i.e. no breakage/bad debt)

  1. A negative ”Grand total to reconcile” amount means that there is a net payment (amounts to be collected from channel less amounts to be paid to channels) due to channel
  2. If “Grand total to reconcile” is negative, then channel payments section defaults to “Payment to the channel”
  3. Enter the total amount paid for the selected bookings (from the channels and arrival date range selected earlier), and ensure that payment date and payment method are correct
    • Exclude payments previously added through individual booking cards
  4. Hit “Yes”
  5. If amount paid is equal to ”Grand total to reconcile”, then bookings are immediately reconciled and will now appear in the “Reconciled payments from/to Channels” section

Scenario 2: Payments to channel (overpayment)

  1. In this example, the actual amount paid to channel is more than ”Grand total to reconcile”
  2. HMS calculates an overpayment/bad debt amount of MYR161.76 and user is prompted to proceed with the reconciliation. Hit “Proceed” to view the allocation of bad debt to specific bookings

In the reconciliation pop-up,

1. The bad debt amount is by default allocated to the bottom most booking (one booking) so as to impact the least no. of bookings possible – UPCOMING FEATURE: Ability to re-adjust the default allocation of bad debt/breakage

When Bad debt + Reconciling now (actual amount paid) = Balance to pay to channel, then Total balance = 0. In other words -A-(B+C)=0

2. When Total balance = 0, user can “Proceed with payment” and complete reconciliation

Bookings will then appear in the “Reconciled payments from/to Channels section”.

Scenario 3: Payments to channel (underpayment)

  1. In this example, the actual amount paid to channel is less than ”Grand total to reconcile”
  2. HMS calculates an underpayment/breakage amount of MYR38.24 and user is prompted to proceed with the reconciliation. Hit “Proceed” to view the allocation of breakage to specific bookings

In the reconciliation pop-up,

1. The breakage amount is by default allocated to the bottom most booking (one booking) so as to impact the least no. of bookings possible. However, since you cannot underpay more than the balance, if total breakage > balance of that selected booking, then the remaining breakage is allocated to the next booking (and so on)  – UPCOMING FEATURE: Ability to re-adjust the default allocation of bad debt/breakage

When Breakage + Reconciling now (actual amount paid) = Balance to pay to channel, then Total balance = 0. In other words -A-(B+C)=0

2. When Total balance=0, user can “Proceed with payment” and complete reconciliation

Bookings will then appear in the “Reconciled payments from/to Channels section”.

In cases of underpayment to or from channels, it is possible to remove bookings from the reconciliation list if user knows that the payment does not cover specific bookings (therefore resulting in underpayment).

Scenario 4: Payments from channel (payment = balance, i.e. no breakage/bad debt)

  1. A positive ”Grand total to reconcile” amount means that there is a net payment (amounts to be collected from channel less amounts to be paid to channel) due to hotel
  2. If “Grand total to reconcile” is positive, then channel payments section defaults to “Payment from the channel”
  3. Enter the total amount paid for the selected bookings (from the channels and arrival date range selected earlier), and ensure that payment date and payment method are correct
    • Exclude payments previously added through individual booking cards
  4. Hit “Yes”
  5. If amount paid is equals to ”Grand total to reconcile”, then bookings are immediately reconciled and will now appear in the “Reconciled payments from/to Channels” section

Scenario 5: Payments from channel (overpayment)

1. In this example, the actual amount paid by channel is more than ”Grand total to reconcile”

2. HMS calculates an overpayment/breakage amount of MYR71.90 and user is prompted to proceed with the reconciliation. Hit “Proceed” to view the allocation of breakage to specific bookings

In the reconciliation pop-up,

1. The breakage amount is by default allocated to the bottom most booking (one booking) so as to impact the least no. of bookings possible – UPCOMING FEATURE: Ability to re-adjust the default allocation of bad debt/breakage

When Breakage + Reconciling now (actual amount paid) = Balance to collect from channel, then Total balance = 0. In other words A-(B+C)=0

2. When Total balance=0, user can “Proceed with payment” and complete reconciliation

Bookings will then appear in the “Reconciled payments from/to Channels section”.

Scenario 6: Payments from channel (underpayment)

1. In this example, the actual amount paid by channel is less than ”Grand total to reconcile”

2. HMS calculates an underpayment/bad debt amount of MYR128.10 and user is prompted to proceed with the reconciliation. Hit “Proceed” to view the allocation of bad debt to specific bookings

In the reconciliation pop-up,

1. The bad debt amount is by default allocated to the bottom most booking (one booking) so as to impact the least no. of bookings possible. However, since you cannot underpay more than the balance, if total bad debt > balance of that selected booking, then the remaining bad debt is allocated to the next booking (and so on)  – UPCOMING FEATURE: Ability to re-adjust the default allocation of bad debt/breakage

When Bad debt + Reconciling now (actual amount paid) = Balance to collect from channel, then Total balance = 0. In other words A-(B+C)=0

2. When Total balance=0, user can “Proceed with payment” and complete reconciliation.


Bookings will then appear in the “Reconciled payments from/to Channels section”.

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Tags: Reconciling payments, payment reconciliation, bulk reconciliation, channel payments, payment balance, breakage, bad debt, underpayment, overpayment, payment from channels, payment to channels