In the below example, today is 1 Oct. The  report covers hotel performance last month (1 Sep – 30 Sep), and shows

  1. Actualized room nights and revenue for in the last 3 months (Sep, Aug, Jul)
  2. Actualized room nights and revenue YTD (1 Jan – 30 Sep)

In the below example, today is 1 Oct. The monthly report covers hotel performance last month (1 Sep – 30 Sep), and shows

  1. On the books room nights and revenue as of the end of last month (30 Sep), for stay this week and the following 3 weeks
  2. Actualized room nights and revenue for stay last month (Sep), and what is on the books as of end of Sep for stay this month (Oct), and for future months
  3. Room nights and revenue picked up last month for stay this week and the following 3 weeks
  4. Room nights and revenue picked up last month for stay last month, this month, and for future months

Stayed metrics

See summary of key metrics based on bookings stayed last month and YTD

  1. Distribution of bookings across different length of stay (LOS)
  2. Average cancellation rate
  3. Distribution of bookings across different booking windows

Hover on a bar to see the number of bookings in a specific LOS or booking window range

Stayed country of origin

See share of room nights and gross revenue by travellers’ country of origin (based on bookings stayed last month), and corresponding stayed metrics that reflect booking behavior of customers from different countries

See reports from earlier months

By default, the Monthly report covers performance in the last month. To see earlier reports, click on the blue left-right navigation arrows beside the calendar icon to select the month that you want.  

  • Note that the Monthly report only refreshed on the morning of the first day of every month.  Monday 

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Tags: Monthly report, monthly report example, hotel performance, on the books, room nights, revenue, stayed metrics, length of stay, cancellation rate, booking windows, stayed country of origin, earlier month report