As opposed to data tables that require scanning of rows and columns, charts allow users to instantly grasp patterns and trends at a glance, helping them save time.


Most reports within the Analytics tab menu in HMS present data in both charts and data tables. Charts are featured in Room Nights, Room Revenue, Room type production, and Channel production report.

Understanding the Charts

Example: This chart is retrieved from the Room type production report, shows data across dates, from 1 Jan to 8 Jan 2024, for 6 room types, presented on a daily basis.

  1. The vertical axis represents the number of occupied rooms corresponding to each room type.
  2. The horizontal axis indicates the dates on which the rooms are occupied.
  3. The stacked blocks, differentiated by colour, represent the various room types occupied on each date.

How to interpret the chart:

On 6 Jan, there were a total of 31 rooms occupied across different room types. These were distributed as follows: Deluxe Double (16 rooms), Deluxe Twin (9 rooms), Superior Twin - No window (4 rooms), Deluxe Executive Double (1 room), and Superior Queen - No window (1 room).

All and Inv buttons

The “All” and “Inv” buttons found on the charts allow users to make quick selections so that the chart displays what they are looking for, after the data range filter has already been applied. 

By default, all data is displayed on the charts. To select only specific information to see in the charts, eg. a particular room type or channel, clicking on “Inv” will allow the user to select one or more categories to display on the chart. Clicking 'All' will display all the categories again. 

These buttons are always located next to the category labels on every chart.


This chart is retrieved from the Channel Production Report, displaying data on the total number of room nights booked from various channels, from 1 Jan to 8 Jan 2024.

By default, all the data will be displayed.

1. To include only 4 data channels (e.g, Agoda, Traveloka, and, click on the 'Inv' button and then select the channels from the coloured buttons at the top.

2. To include all data from all channels in the chart again, click on the 'All' button.

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Tags: Chart filters, reading charts, analytics, room nights charts, room revenue charts, room type production charts, channel production charts, All buttons, INV buttons, quick selection buttons, various channels, charts, data charts, data tables, data, occupied rooms, room types, data range filter, various categories, scenario