With Housekeeping, hotel users can manage housekeeping operations by:

  • Tracking room status and conditions
  • Configuring cleaning frequencies
  • Printing task lists for housekeeping team
  • Updating room conditions once housekeeping is completed

How Housekeeping works:

  1. On the day of check-in, a Clean or Inspected (if inspection is required for property*) room automatically moves to Disturbed when a guest has been checked into the room by a hotel user
    • Disturbed is a room condition that indicates the guest has checked into the room but has yet to stay overnight, therefore room only requires light cleaning (if necessary)
  2. The room then moves from Disturbed to Dirty at end of housekeeping day
  3. A Dirty room will remain Dirty until manually flipped to Clean by hotel user (after housekeeping work is completed)
  4. A Clean room moves to Dirty at end of housekeeping day, if it is occupied

Important: Rooms are in Occupied status only if HMS user is checking guests in through the booking card. Otherwise, HMS assumes that rooms are vacant (despite expecting a guest to be staying overnight due to reservations in the system), and rooms will not be automatically updated to Dirty status at end of housekeeping day.

*Inspection can be turned on for a hotel in “Hotel configuration”

**End of housekeeping day is defaulted to midnight, but can be changed in “Hotel configuration”

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Tags: Housekeeping, room status, cleaning frequencies, task lists, room conditions, hotel operations