By using the "More Views" button on the All Reservations page, hotels can easily retrieve commonly used reports with pre-selected columns and applied filters. These reports are useful for hotels to refer to when completing some operational tasks. 

This article will guide you through the four default views available and explain how each one can be used.

The four default views are: 

  1. Guest Balance Outstanding (Checked-out),
  2. Guest Balance Outstanding (In-House)
  3. Cancellation List (Today)
  4. No Shows (Today)

What each view contains and how it should be used: 

  • Guest Balance Outstanding (Checked-out)

What: This view displays bookings with a check-out date that is equal to or before TODAY, where the Traveller folio directly owed balance is greater than 0

Purpose: Identify bookings where guests have already departed but still owe money to the hotel. This helps ensure proper payment collection, either by following up with the guest or updating the Traveller Payment section in the Booking Card. 

  • Guest Balance Outstanding (In-house)

What: This view lists bookings with check-in date equal to or before TODAY, and check-out date equal to or after TODAY, where the Traveller folio directly owed balance is greater than 0

Purpose: Quickly identify in-house bookings with guests who still owe money to the hotel. This enables the front desk team to collect the outstanding payment before guests check out. 

  • Cancellation List (Today)

What: This view presents a list of cancellations made on the current day. 

Purpose: Stay updated on daily cancellations and no-shows. Additionally, check the amount in the "Net amount to hotel" column to determine if any charges are applicable to the cancellation. 

  • No-show (Today)

What: This view displays bookings which have a check-in date equal to YESTERDAY, but are either in Confirmed or No-Show status

Purpose: To help hotels keep track of reservations with yesterday’s check-in date but whose status has not been updated from Confirmed. No-show bookings need to be marked in HMS within 48 hours of the check-in date or the information will not be updated in the respective extranets and any invoice adjustment requests due to unmarked or late-to-be-marked No-shows will not be entertained. Bookings which are left in Confirmed status will be automatically checked in and billed accordingly at the end of the next invoice cycle

All views can be downloaded or printed by selecting the respective icons at the top. 


Scenario: Hotel wants to make a report that lists the guests who are still in the property and scheduled to check-out on Thursday, July 20th 2023, but they still have some outstanding amount to be paid.

On the All Reservations page, click on “More Views” 

Select Guest Outstanding Balance (In-house) 

The pre-filtered columns are booking status, booked on, arrival date, departure date, and traveller folio directly owed balance.

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Tags: More views,  All Reservations page, default views, commonly used reports, reports, guest balance outstanding (checked-out), guest balance outstanding (in-house), cancellation list (today), no shows (today), noshow, bookings, traveller folio, outstanding amount, views, print, download, traveller folio directly owed balance, columns