Group by Arrival Date

1. Bookings are by default sorted by booked date. To sort by arrival date, click on “Group by arrival date” at the top of the page.

2. The report is now refreshed to display bookings due to check-in today at the top, followed by bookings where check-in date has passed.

3. To see bookings for future check-in, click on the “Future arrivals” button. 

More Views

Clicking on the More Views button opens up a box containing “Custom Views” and “Default Views” lists, on the right-hand side of the reservations table. “Custom Views” is a list of pre-saved views and the list is user-specific - a view created by one user cannot be seen by another user for the same property. “Default Views” contains four views that have been pre-filtered, containing useful lists for a hotel’s operational needs.

Read more about these functionalities here:

  1. Custom Views 
  2. More Views (Default Views)

Sort/Filter Columns Based on Selected Criteria

Filter and sort the report based on your criteria. Click on a column box to see the filter/sort options available. Multiple criteria can be applied for certain columns.

Commonly used filters include (not limited to) - 

Clear Filter

  1. A column box will have an orange outline if a filter has been selected. The applied filter selections will also appear in the box, in blue font. 
  2. To clear an applied filter, click on the “x” in the filter selection field in the dropdown menu. 
  3. Remember to click on the orange button “Apply” at the bottom of the Columns & filters selector box to see the changes in the reservations list below.

Download Report

  1. To download the report as an image (jpg) file for printing, click on the camera icon at the top of the page.
  2. To download the report as an excel file, click on the download tray icon.

Note: If the files are too big, they will be sent to your email.

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: All reservations page, navigate all reservations, bookings, group by arrival date, group by booked date, future arrivals, more views, custom views, default views, user-specific, sort and filter columns, common filters, clear filters, download report