Traveller Details can be updated while the booking is in any status. 

1. Details which can be edited for the traveller are: 

  • First name and Last name.
  • Email.
  • Mobile number.
  • Country.
  • Passport/ID

2. Hit "Save" to save any changes. 

View and Update Traveller Details at Any Time

1. Click on “Edit”.

2. Select ”Traveller details” from the dropdown.

3. Make required changes and hit ”Save”.

Updating Additional Guest Details

If a booking has been made with two or more guests, users can get the details of the additional guests when the booking is in Confirmed or Checked-in status in HMS. 

To add additional guest details, open up the Traveller Details section of the booking card. Underneath the section containing the Main traveller details, click on the “+” sign that says “Add new guest details”. 

The same details which can be input and saved for the Main traveller are available for the Additional traveller(s).  

The number of additional travellers that can be added to a booking is limited by the number of guests for which the booking has been made.  If the booking was made for only one guest, there will not be any option to add additional traveller details to the booking card. 

Note: For OTA bookings, traveller details are passed to HMS by OTAs. Hotel user can further edit/add if necessary.

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Tags: Traveller details, edit traveller details, first name, last name, email, mobile number, country, passport/ID, update traveller details, additional guest details, main traveller details, add new guest details, additional travellers, booking cards