Difference between One-Click Check-Out and Complete Check-Out

One-click check-out allows users to check-out guest instantly (in one click) without reviewing outstanding traveller payments.

Complete check-out prompts users to review outstanding traveller payments and to balance the traveller folio before check-out. This is always recommended.

One-Click Check-Out

1. Select “One-click check-out” to check-out the guest instantly.

  • Only bookings that were one-click checked-in have the option to be one-click checked-out.

2. Click "Proceed".

3. Status is now updated to “One-click checked-out”.

Complete Check-Out

1. Select “Complete check-out”.

2. Click “Proceed”.

3. You can select to “Close balanced bill” OR “Check-out with unbalanced bill”.

  • In this example, there is still an outstanding bill of IDR600,000. System will display an error if you choose to “Close balanced bill”.

4. Recommended: Add a traveller payment to balance the folio if there is an outstanding bill.

5. Proceed to Check-out.

6. Status is now updated to “Complete checked-out”.

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Tags: Check-out, manage check-outs, check-out options, one-click check-out, complete check-out, close balanced bill, check-out with unbalanced bill, outstanding bill, traveller payment