21 February 2025 - Update on Retrieving Tax Invoices via Coretax DJP Portal
Since the issuance of tax invoices for guest arrivals in January 2025, we inform you that PT. ZUZU Teknologi Servis will no longer send tax invoices manually via email, as there is now a feature where all hotel partners can retrieve input tax invoices themselves via the Coretax portal, by accessing the following link: https://coretaxdjp.pajak.go.id//identityproviderportal/Account/Login
The following steps should be followed after successfully logging into the Coretax DJP portal using a User ID and Password:
1. Click on the “e-Faktur” (eTax Invoice) menu located at the top of the Coretax login homepage.
2. Then look for the sub-menu "Input Tax" (Pajak Masukan) located in the left hand section of the same page.
3. Then find list of “Input Tax” (Pajak Masukan) that is pre-populated by Coretax.
4. Select the intended Input Tax (Pajak Masukan), by clicking the PDF icon located in front of the seller's NPWP (Seller TIN), in this case PT. ZUZU Teknologi Servis, as shown below:
By doing those above 4 steps, will eventually create a tax invoice in a PDF file.
Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline
Tags: Coretax DJP Portal, retrieve tax invoices, tax invoices in Indonesia, e-Faktur, NPWP, Customer's Tax Registration number, seller TIN