Real time booking notifications in the ZUZU Mobile App let users know whenever a new booking for your hotel has been received. It also alerts you of any changes to the booking status of an existing booking. The status changes include:

Users can also view and update the status or the traveller details.

  • To view the additional details of the reservation, simply tap on the booking.
  • To update the status of a booking, tap on the buttons below the guest’s name.
    The buttons displayed correspond to the present booking status. For instance, when the booking status is still Confirmed, even after the scheduled arrival date has passed, the buttons will be either Check-in or No-show.

  • To update the traveller details, tap on this pen icon.

Push notifications

Clicking on the push notification takes users to the Notifications page within the Mobile App. Notifications are classified into Unseen Notifications and Seen Notifications

Once a new notification has been seen, it will be moved into the “Seen Notifications” section. Tapping on the reservation from the notifications list will open up the extended booking card which contains additional details about the booking. 

Turn Off/On Notifications in the ZUZU Mobile App

Notifications on your phone can be managed directly from the ZUZU Mobile App. To do this, click the hamburger icon then select Settings. The 'Allow receiving notifications' toggle is activated by default. If you prefer not to receive all booking notifications, click the toggle to disable it; the toggle will turn white when deactivated.

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Tags: ZUZU mobile app, real time booking notifications, status change, view status, update status, view additional booking details, reservations details, update traveller details, pen icon, push notifications, unseen notifications, seen notifications, notifications tab, notifications list, turn on and turn off notifications, allow receiving notifications, receive booking notifications, new bookings, cancelled bookings, modified bookings