From Computer

If ZUZU created this GMB listing for you, you may go to this link, click Sign In to your Business Profile and input your email address defined during onboarding with ZUZU.

When you successfully log in to your Business Profile, this is the appearance of the page as a verified business account.

You can also search the name of your business by Google Search

If you are unable to access your GMB account, please kindly reach out to the ZUZU Support Team 

From Android

Open Google Maps on Google Search or the Google Maps application on an Android device.

Open your Business Profile in the app you chose:

Google Maps: At the top right, tap Account Circle  > Your Business Profile

Google Search: In the search bar, enter your business name or scroll down until you discover your business.

If you are unable to access your GMB account, please kindly reach out to the ZUZU Support Team.

From iPhone & iPad

Open Google Maps on Google Search or the Google Maps application on an iOS device.

Google Maps: At the top right, tap Account Circle  > Your Business Profile

Google Search: In the search bar, enter your business name or scroll down until you discover your business.

If you are unable to access your GMB account, please kindly reach out to ZUZU Support Team 

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: GMB account, sign in, log in, email address, onboarding, Google Business Profile, Google Search, Google Maps, Your Business Profile, Android, iPhone, iPad