For who: Front office

What is this training about: Take the comprehensive training on key front office functionality in HMS, so that you can reduce time spent on on day-to-day hotel operations and shift your focus to improving guest experiences.

Note: Please ensure you have gone through HMS Training Part 1 before undergoing this training.

Scroll down to see videos in other languages.

Language: English

Topic start time:

00:00 Introduction 

00:30 Booking Card - Advanced functions 

05:30 Room settings 

10:42 Cashier Report 

15:11 Breakfast Report 

17:09 Housekeeping

Language: Bahasa

Topic start time:

00:09 Dashboard

01:32 Reservations calendar 

10:00 Booking card - Advanced 

15:19 Rooms settings 

22:17 Cashier report 

26:06 Breakfast report 

28:15 Housekeeping

Language: Thai

Topic start time:

00:09 Dashboard 

01:54 Reservations calendar 

08:56 Booking card - Advanced 

18:06 Rooms settings 

23:51 Cashier report 

30:06 Breakfast report 

32:14 Housekeeping

Language: Vietnamese

Topic start time:

00:09 Dashboard 

01:26 Reservations calendar 

10:19 Booking card - Advanced 

16:55 Rooms settings 

21:36 Cashier report 

24:31 Breakfast report 

26:24 Housekeeping

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Tags: HMS training, intermediate guide, front office, HMS, hotel operations