If you have accidentally checked-in or checked-out a guest, cancelled a booking or marked it as no-show, you can now revert to a previous status.

Current status...can be reverted to......if these conditions are met

Today's date must not be later than the check-in date on the booking

 Today's date must not be later than the check-out date on the booking
Today's date must not be later than the check-in date on the booking
Today's date must not be later than the day after the check-in date on the booking. (i.e. If today is 10 May, then the check-in date must not be earlier than 9 May.)*

How to revert a booking in HMS

Reverting a Checked-in booking to Confirmed

  1. Click on “Revert to confirmed”
  2. Hit “Yes” to proceed
  3. Booking is reverted to Confirmed status

Other possible reversals

  1. Revert a Checked-out booking to Checked-in
  2. Revert a Cancelled booking to Confirmed
  3. Revert a No show booking to Confirmed (only for manual bookings)*

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: Booking status reversal, booking status, revert, revert bookings, reversal, previous status, current status, bookings, revert to, confirmed, complete checked-in, one-click check-in