Question: How do I update stop-sells?

Answer: Stop-sells (to be pushed to online channels) can be updated through the Availability calendar.

To access the Availability calendar,

Apply Stop Sell (Single Date)

Scenario: Stop sell Standard King room on 10 Jul.

1. Click on the availability count of Standard King room on 10 Jul.

2. In the pop-up, SELECT the checkbox marked “Stop sell”.

3. Hit ”Submit”.

4. Stop sell is now reflected on the calendar.

Remove Stop Sell (Single Date)

Repeat Steps 1-4 but UNSELECT the checkbox marked “Stop sell”.

Stop Sell the Whole Hotel on a Specific Day

1. Click on the circle icon below the date of the day that you would like to stop selling completely.

2. Hit “Confirm”.

3. All rooms on 29 Jul are now put on stop sell in the calendar.

Reverse Complete Stop Sell

Simply click on the circle icon again to remove the stop sells applied across all rooms on a specific day.

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Tags: Update stop sells, stop sells, stop sell management, room availability, apply stop sell, remove stop sell, reverse complete stop sell