Question: How do I apply a room closure?

Answer: Room Closures can be managed from two different pages within HMS - Reservations Calendar and Room Settings.

Add a Temporary Room Closure

If a room needs to be deducted from available inventory due to reasons such as renovation, air-con maintenance work, blocking a room for backup purposes etc., a proper room closure should be applied instead of reducing inventory count in the Availability calendar.

A. Reservations Calendar

Room closures can be managed directly from the Reservation Calendar page by clicking the hand icon next to the room number/name. 

There are four types of Room Closure options that can be performed:

  1. Permanent
  2. Permanent with exceptions
  3. Custom Dates
  4. Remove permanent room closure 

1. Permanent 

Selecting this will close the room from today and everyday for the next 2 years. It will remain closed on any future dates which are added to the end of the 2 year period. 

Eg. If a user would like to close Room 4006 permanently, selecting this closes it from today (December 14th 2023) until December 31st 2025 (which is the date limit of the next 2 years. When January 2026 becomes visible in HMS, the room will be closed on those dates as well.

2. Permanent with exception 

Similar to the 'Permanent' selection, selecting this will close the room from today and everyday for the next 2 years.

However, users can exclude selected dates from the closure. Dates which are selected to be excluded do not need to be in running order. 

The room will remain closed on any future dates which are added to the end of the 2 year period.

To specify exclusion dates for the selected room number/name, click on this icon and then select the dates which you do not want to close the room on. Deselected dates will be marked in grey. 

Eg. If a user would like to close Room 4006 permanently, except for certain weeks in January 2024, selecting this option closes it from today (December 14th 2023) until December 31st 2025 but 8 to 20 January 2024 will not be closed (the exception).

When January 2026 becomes visible in HMS, the room will be closed on those dates as well.

 3. Custom Dates 

Selecting this option allows users the flexibility to manually choose the dates to close the room. The calendar displays the colours - blue to indicate selected dates for closure; dates in grey will not be closed.

Eg. If a user would like to close room 4006 only for certain weeks in December 2023 (3 to 9 December and 17 to 23 December 2023), selecting this option closes it ONLY for these dates. The remaining dates will remain open.

During the selected date range for room closure, users can also keep certain dates open by clicking on this icon, then selecting the specific dates. The excluded dates will appear below the calendar.

4. Remove permanent room closure

Selecting this option will remove all of the previously applied room closures.

To save and apply the room closure setting, click ‘Yes’.

Days included

Users can exclude dates based on specific days each week. This is also applicable for both ‘Permanent with exception’ and ‘Custom Dates’ selections.

Eg. If a user would like to use the ‘Permanent with exception selection’ and exclude every Sunday until the next 2 years, deselecting 'S' (which represents all Sundays) closes it everyday EXCEPT Sundays. Similar to other selections, the dates that have been excluded will also appear below the calendar.

Clear the Dates Selection

To reset the dates range for 'Permanent with exception' and 'Custom Dates', simply click the 'Clear all dates' button which will remove the closure for the original selected date range, then click ‘Yes’. 

Add Notes

Users may input relevant information regarding the room's condition to update the cause of the room closure.

Eg.: the need for renovation, the need for air-con maintenance, or the unavailability of room for use.

Legend can be found on the bottom left of the Reservations Calendar page. 

B. Room Settings

To access the Rooms settings page,

1. Click on the gear icon next to the selected room type.

2. Click on “Add/remove temporary room closure”.

3. Select the room which will be placed on temporary room closure. 

4. UNSELECT the checkbox marked Permanent.

  • Note: For permanent (2 year) rate updates, leave this checked.

5. In the calendar dropdown, click on the start date of the room closure period.

6. Then click on the end date of room closure period. You will see that all dates between the start and end date are selected.

7. Hit “Apply”.

8. The room closure has been successfully added. To add another room closure before saving changes, click on the + icon.

9. Repeat steps 3-7 to add another room closure.

10. In the section below, ensure that “Apply room closure” is turned ON.

11. Hit “Save”.

12. You will now see a (hand) icon next to the room type name, indicating an existing room closure. Click on the icon to see which specific rooms have a closure applied.

13. Click on the hand icon a second time for room closure details.

14. You can now see all closed periods and the user(s) who applied them.

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Tags: Room closure, update room closure, manage room closure, Reservations calendar, Room settings, temporary closure, permanent, permanent with exceptions, custom dates, remove permanent room closure, hand icon, days included, clear all dates, notes