Terms to Know Before Reviewing Occupancy Report!

Recap of Inventory Status Breakdown:

  1. Available – rooms left for sale.
  2. Sold – rooms already sold.
  3. Closed – rooms blocked for reasons such as renovation, aircon repair etc. 
    • Room closures are applied through the Rooms page (not through calendar).
  4. Room count – Total no. of rooms (of a specific room type) in the hotel.
  5. Not Available = Total room count less (Available + Sold + Closed).
    • Not Available rooms are basically inventory deductions that are not accounted for. This occurs when hotel goes into the calendar and reduce availability without creating a manual booking or applying proper room closure.

In summary, 1 + 2 + 3 + 5 = 4.

Various Types of Occupancy Definitions

Things to Note:

A hotel that is using HMS properly as a property management system and is reliant on HMS for accurate reporting should ensure that:

  1. The total (and not partial) no. of rooms under each room type in the property is set up in HMS.
  2. All bookings that do not flow automatically into HMS (such as offline bookings) are created as manual bookings in HMS.
  3. Room closures are properly applied through the Rooms section rather than deducting inventory from the availability calendar.

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Tags: Occupancy definitions, inventory status breakdown, available, sold, closed, room count, not available, occupancy type, definition