Users have varying access rights in HMS, depending on the user role of the account created.

The different types of hotel user roles are:

  1. Hotel Manager - limit of 1 per hotel
    • Full permissions to manage bookings, rates, availability and access all hotel-facing features.
  2. Hotel back-office user
    • Same permissions as hotel manager and receives all finance related communications.
  3. Hotel front-desk user
    • Permissions to manage bookings and availability.
  4. Hotel front-desk limited user
    • Permission to manage bookings only.
  5. Housekeeping user
    • Permissions to update the Room Conditions and Notes, download and print housekeeping reports 

HMS User Role

Hotel Manager / Back OfficeFront DeskFront Desk Limited
- All Reservations
- Reservations Calendar
No access to modify booking details
- Availability Calendar

Property and Room Type level stop-sell only
- Rooms
- Rates
Revenue Management
- Market Pricing
- Promotions
- Availability Change Log
- Rate Change Log
- Operations Report
- Analytics

Booking Engine
Hotel Settings
- Hotel Content
 View onlyView only
Hotel Settings
- Hotel Configuration
- Payment Details 
View only

Full Access
Limited Access
No Access

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Tags: User access levels, user permissions, user privileges, user responsibilities