Users can customise the time period for daily data to be displayed in the reports based on their preference. 

The filter selection is always located at the top of the page.

Time Filter

On the 'Edit time range' box, there are different Time Range options which can be selected. We have listed the most commonly used ones below: 

i. Custom: Allows the user to select the start and end date of the data with no restrictions. It is important to note that because Time factors into this filter, the end date must always be one day after the date that you want to view the data until.

  • For example, to view data from 3rd to 14th December, you would select 3 December as the start date and 15 December with Timestamp 00:00:00 as the end date.

The Custom option within the Time Range selection provides users with the most flexibility in setting the date range for the report. 

 Within the Custom option, there are sub-options, which are explained below: 

  • Relative Date/Time: modify the date range for both before and after today, without choosing the specific dates.

  • Specific Date/Time: customise the specific date and time for both before and after today. 

To retrieve all data within the selected time range, set the timestamps to 00:00:00.

  • Now: Selecting this will set the date and time to the current date and time. 
  • Midnight: Selecting this will set the date to today’s date as of midnight this morning. For example, if today is 30 Nov 2023, then the selected date and time would be 2023-11-30, 00:00:00.

ii. Last: Selecting this will retrieve data within the selected range up until yesterday (i.e. day, week, month, quarter, year)

iii. Previous: Retrieves data from the previous calendar range (i.e. week, month, year). For example, if it is 15 November 2023 today, selecting this will display data for the entire month of October 2023. 

Time Grain / Show by

The Time Grain can be adjusted so that the data is displayed either in a day-by-day format, or grouped by week, months, quarters and years.

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Tags: Report filters, retrieve data, customise, time period, daily data, filter selection, time filter, time grain, show by, edit time range, time range, range type, custom, last, previous, actual time range, timestamp 00:00:00, specific date/time, relative date/time, midnight, selected date range