The ‘Add New Bookings’ feature is now available in the ZUZU Mobile App!

This feature allows the property to manually create bookings for walk-in guests (direct bookings), as well as bookings made through phone reservations or offline travel agents (offline bookings). Bulk or multiple bookings for one reservation can also be created from the ZUZU Mobile App.

Follow these steps to create the booking:

1. Open the ZUZU Mobile App

2. In the Reservations tab, tap on the '+' icon

3. Complete the traveller, booking, and room details in the Manual booking entry page.

Certain fields must be completed for a booking to be processed, and they are denoted by an asterisk (*). These mandatory fields include:

  • Traveller first and last name
  • Channel
  • Room type
  • Rate Plan

4. The booking date is always automatically set to today's date. Update the date, if needed. The Notes field is optional, fill them if necessary.

5. Select one of the check-in options provided. Only choose "Save for future check-in" if the bookings are made through phone reservation or offline travel agent.

Read this article to learn more about the difference between One-Click check-in and Complete Check-in.

The new manual booking is now successfully created.

Learn how to create manual bookings in HMS from the All Reservations page and the Reservations Calendar page.

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: ZUZU Mobile App, create manual bookings, manual bookings, direct bookings, offline bookings, walk-in guest, channel hotel walk-in, phone reservations, create manual bookings in the app, reservations tab, manual booking entry, mandatory fields missing, traveller details, booking details, room details, check-in options