Select and Rearrange Columns

The All Reservations page provides a list view with multiple columns to display as much booking information as possible without having to click into each booking card. However, not all columns may be relevant to every HMS user, so the view can be customised to suit each user's needs through the column selector feature.

  1. Users can access the column selector by clicking the Columns and Filters button above the Reservations List.
  2. The selector displays each column in its own box with an accompanying orange checkbox. To remove a column from the list view, users can click the checkbox to turn it grey.
  3. The columns in the selector are ordered from left to right, and can be rearranged by dragging and dropping the boxes within the column selector.
  4. The selected columns and the new order will be reflected in the Reservations List after clicking “Apply”. 
    1. To save the selection as the default setting (so that the order will be kept for every subsequent log in), check "Save as default settings" before clicking on "Apply and Save as default".

Sort/Filter Columns Based on Selected Criteria

Filter and sort the report based on your preferred criteria. Click on a column heading to use that as a filter/sort criteria. Multiple criteria can be applied.

Commonly used filters include (not limited to) - 

Clear Filter

  1. A column box will have an orange outline if a filter has been selected. The applied filter selections will also appear in the box, in blue font. 
  2. To clear an applied filter, click on the “x” in the filter selection field in the dropdown menu. 
  3. Remember to click on the orange button “Apply” at the bottom of the Columns & filters selector box to see the changes in the reservations list below.

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Tags: Columns and filters, all reservations page, select columns, rearrange columns, customised views, column selector feature, save as default setting, apply and save as default, sort and filter columns, common filters, clear filters, download report