Apply Stop Sell (Whole property)

  1. Scroll or use the calendar to select the date that you want to close out. Click on the slider. 
  2. There will be an alert asking you to confirm your action. Click on “Continue”.
  3. The date on which the Stop Sell has been applied will be greyed out. 

To remove a stop sell, follow the same steps above. Dates which are greyed out have a Stop Sell applied to them, while dates for which the slider is orange in colour are not on Stop Sell.


Apply Stop Sell (Specific Room Type)

  1. In the Room Type view, click on the slider of the room type that you want to place a stop sell on. 
  2. There will be an alert asking you to confirm your action. Click on “Continue”.
  3. The room type that has been placed on Stop Sell will be greyed out. 

Note: Stop Sells in the app must be applied to individual dates. It is not the intention of the app to allow for bulk updates. If you wish to apply Stop Sells to a long date range, please log into HMS on your desktop to do it.  

Date selector 

Look for the “CHOOSE DATE” button located on the top right of both the Availability and Room Details pages. Clicking on it will bring up a calendar. Select the month that you want to navigate to by using the left and right arrows at the top of the calendar. 

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Tags: ZUZU Mobile app, apply stop sell in the app, availability tab, choose date, stop sell, stop sell individual dates, stop sell specific room type, date selector, calendar