The Traveller registration card text and Disclaimers text do not appear on the Hotel or Booking Engine sites. They are respectively used on the Traveller/Guest Registration Card and guest confirmation email for direct bookings. 

Traveller registration card text

This text appears on the Traveller Registration card (also referred to as Guest Registration card). The Traveller Registration Card is a form that is printed out for the guest to sign on at check-in. It contains both traveller and booking details. More importantly, it should contain any hotel policies and indemnities related to guests’ stays. This might include policies in relation to check-out times, smoking in the guest room, damages to physical properties, payment, deposits, among others. 

The traveller registration card can be printed out from the booking card. (Print - Booking Details, Traveller Folio, Registration Card

The traveller registration card will be printed in the language that the user has selected to use in HMS at the time of printing. 

Disclaimers text

This text appears in the confirmation email received by guests who have made a booking for your hotel from the booking engine, or if a manual booking is created from HMS and the option to send a confirmation email to the guest is selected. 

The Disclaimers text can include any information that is not currently included in the reservation emails which you want guests to be aware of before arriving at your property. Examples include your hotel’s deposit policy or information about special events taking place at the hotel which might affect the guest’s stay.

The email confirmation language will follow the language the guest used when making the online booking, or what language the hotel user who made the manual booking selects to send the confirmation email in. 

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Tags: Traveller registration card, guest registration card, disclaimers texts, update, registration card, guest confirmation email, print out, sign on, check-in, traveller details, booking details, hotel policies, hotel indemnities, booking card, texts, confirmation email, bookings, manual booking, hotel’s deposit policy, language