Sure you can! Simply connect it to your ZUZU booking engine with these steps:

1. Open your Facebook Profile. Make sure you have a page dedicated to your property.

2. If you do not have any page, you can create a page by clicking the "Create new Page" button and fill out the necessary information such as Name, Category, and Bio. Then, click "Create Page".

3. Open your page and click "Switch" to manage your page.

4. Click the three dots located on the right side of the page and select "Add Action Button".

5. Click on the "Try It" button and the Action Button pop-up will appear. Choose "Contact Us", and insert your ZUZU Website.

6. From the customer side, the button will appear on the right side of the page. When the customer clicks the button, it will take them to the website.

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Tags: Facebook, Facebook business page, bookings, ZUZU booking engine, create page, manage page,  Facebook profile, page, action button, try it button, contact us, ZUZU website link, website link, website