Columns in "Reconciled payments from/to Channels" explained

1. For Postpay channels, the following columns will be populated

  1. Original hotel pay to channel = total amount due to channel based on booking details
  2. Settled = all payments made to channel (payments added on booking card + final payments added through Channel payments page)
  3. Balance to pay to channel = A – B = remaining amount to be paid to channel (Note: This will always be 0 for bookings in the Reconciled payments section)

2. For Prepay channels, the following columns will be populated

  1. Original hotel collect from channel = total amount to be paid by channel based on booking details
  2. Settled = all payments collected from channel (payments added on booking card + final payments added through Channel payments page)
  3. Balance to collect from channel = A – B = remaining amount to be paid by channel (Note: This will always be 0 for bookings in the Reconciled payments section)

3. Total balance for each booking is calculated by balance to collect from channel less balance to pay to channel. Since 1C and 2C are 0, this will always be 0 for bookings in the Reconciled payments section.

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Tags: Reconciled payments, postpay channels, prepay channels, booking details, settled payments, balance calculation, channel payments, booking reconciliation