By default, the channel payments report displays Unreconciled payments (at top of page) and Reconciled payments (at bottom of page) for all past and current stays, i.e. check-in date is today or in the past.

Select date range

To switch from viewing payments for past and current stays to future stays, click on the “Future stays” summary tab. The page will refresh to show payments where check-in date has not arrived.

In this example, 

  • Net channel payments (amounts to be collected from channels less amounts to be paid to channels) of a total of THB13,751,775.03 remains unreconciled for past and current stays
  • Net channel payments of THB1,709,376.53 remains unreconciled for future stays

To select a specific date range

  1. Click on the “All arrival dates” filter. Select a pre-defined date range in the dropdown
  2. Alternatively, click on the second dropdown to select a customized date range

If in “Past and current stays”

If in “Future stays”

Sort payments

Payments in the report are by default sorted by channel then by arrival month. Click on ”Group by arrival month then channel” to flip the sort order around.

The Unreconciled payments section is displayed on top of the Reconciled payments section in the report. Avoid scrolling and jump immediately to the Reconciled payments section by clicking on “Reconciled payments from Channels” at the top of the page.

To download report

  1. After filtering the report for desired payments based on arrival dates, click on the download tray icon to download report
  2. Excel report will be downloaded (this includes both unreconciled and reconciled payments in the selected date range)

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Tags: Channel payments, unreconciled payments, reconciled payments, net channel payments, channel payment report