Change the Filter Criteria to Update Report to Your Desired View

Upon clicking the filter icon, you will see a range of filter options.

Date Range

By default, report shows data for the next 28 days (excluding today). Click on the date range box to see a dropdown of pre-defined date ranges.

1.Select your preferred date range.

2.Hit ”Apply”.

Select a Custom Date Range

To select a custom date range instead of a pre-defined date range:

1.Select “Custom Range”.

2.In the calendar pop-up, click on the start date of your custom date range.

3.Then, click on the end date. You will see that all dates in between have also been automatically selected.

4.Hit “Apply”.

Group Data

By default, report shows data by day. To group data in other ways, click on the ”Show by” filter.

Select to group data by:

1.Week OR


Compare to Prior Period

By default, data in the report is not compared against a prior period.

Click on the white square toggle to switch to include comparison. 

If the data range selected is 28 days, then prior period is defined as the period 28 days before the selected day/week/month.

If the data range selected is 90 days, then prior period is defined as the period 90 days before the selected day/week/month.

See Data Point

Hover your mouse on a specific bar to reveal data point.

View Data in Table Format

Data is also presented in table format at the second half of the page, below graph report.

Download Data to Excel

1. Click on the download tray icon.

2. Data shown in report based on selected filter criteria is now downloaded to Excel.

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Tags: Availability report, navigating Availability report, filter options, filter criteria, date range, custom date range, group data, compare prior period, data point, table format, download data