Note: Hotels are advised to avoid making updates to the Rooms section in HMS with the exception of room no./name updates and room closures. Please leave required changes to your revenue manager as there might be implications on room type mapping.

The Rooms settings page allows users to:

  • Set up new room types and edit existing room types.
  • Manage room closures.

Actions You Can Take in The Rooms Settings Page

  1. Add new room types - Please ask ZUZU for a demo if necessary.
  2. Edit room type information - Please ask ZUZU for a demo if necessary.
  3. Customize individual room no./names (within each room type). (Read more here)
  4. Change display order of rooms (within each room type). (Read more here)
  5. Add and remove temporary room closures. (Read more here)
  6. Upload rooms photos for the booking engine. (Read more here)

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: Rooms overview, room settings, room management, room types, room closures, room no./names, room photos