To check if a room is ready for guest to check into, without having to go to Housekeeping, view room conditions through the Reservations calendar.

See current room conditions in the Reservations calendar

  1. Click on the housekeeping icon at the top of the calendar
  2. The housekeeping section is now expanded and a user can see the current condition of each room

Allow a guest to check into a room if the room is already Clean/Inspected, get them to check in later or reallocate guest to another room if the room is still Dirty etc.

View current housekeeping and expected housekeeping status in booking card

  1. The housekeeping icon at the top of the booking card reflects the current room condition today. Click on this to see the expected room conditions for all stay dates in the booking
  2. The housekeeping section shows the expected room conditions for each stay date. In the example in the screenshot, as the default cleaning frequency is set to “Cleaning every 2 day” and ”Change linen every 2 days”, for a booking checking-in on 11 August and checking-out 14 August, we expect the room to be in Dirty – to be cleaned and changed linen (after 2 nights have passed).

Change cleaning frequency in booking card

  1. You can change the default cleaning and change linen frequency by selecting other frequency options in the dropdowns
  2. Upon changing the frequency, the expected room conditions for each stay date are also updated accordingly. 

Update room conditions and view cleaning log in booking card

  1. Click on a housekeeping icon to update room condition 
  2. For all past and future dates, clicking on the housekeeping icon will show a log of all changes made to the room condition of a specific room from day of check-in till today

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Tags: Housekeeping, Reservations calendar, room conditions, cleaning status, booking card, cleaning frequency, cleaning log