The “Custom Views” button on the All Reservations page allows users to easily access all the custom reports which the user has created and saved. While default views are pre-built and cannot be saved over, Custom Views provide users with the flexibility to create any view that is needed to support the hotel’s operational needs.

This article will guide you through the Custom Views feature and explain how you can create and save each view.

The Custom Views list can be found by clicking on the “More Views” button on the top-right side of the All reservations page.

To create a Custom View

1. Click on the “Columns and filters” button above the Reservations List. 

2. Each column is displayed in a box, which can be selected (orange) and deselected (grey) by clicking on the check box. The order of the columns can also be rearranged by dragging and dropping them. Specific filters can be applied for each column where required - click on the column to see a drop down with filters that can be changed or defined.

3. Click on “Apply” to see how the customised view would look like. The “Columns and filters” box would automatically collapse upon doing this.

4. If you would like to save the view that you have just created, click on the orange button at the top which says “Save custom View”. A pop up will prompt you to name the view before clicking on “SAVE”. There is no limit to the number of Custom Views that can be created.

To access a Custom View which was previously created

To access a custom view that you had previously created, click on the “More Views" button and a box containing both Custom and Default Views will appear on the right-hand side of the page. Click on the custom view that you would like to access. 

To deselect a Custom View (to return to the default setting) 

Clicking on any of the buttons in black font under Default View will clear the Custom view selection. This button will always take you back to the default setting which can be either set by the user or automatically set by HMS (if no modifications have been made). 

To delete a Custom View

1. Click on the “trash bin” icon next to the name of the Custom view. 

2. The “Delete custom view” pop-up will appear, click the “Confirm” button to delete the Custom views (once deleted, this saved view cannot be retrieved). 

To rename a Custom View 

1. Click on the Custom View which you had previously created.

2. Click on the orange button at the top which says “Save custom View”. A pop up will appear with the view’s current name. Rename it before clicking on “SAVE” 

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Tags: Customised view, personal views, personalised views, saved views, All reservations, Columns and filters, More Views