Print Bookings Details

1. Click on the printer icon.

2. Select “Booking details” in the dropdown.

3. Booking details is now downloaded as a PDF (which can then be printed).

Print Traveller Folio

1. Click on the printer icon.

2. Select “Traveller folio” in the dropdown.

3. Traveller folio is now downloaded as a PDF (which can then be printed).

Email Traveller Folio

1. In Traveller folio, click on “Email to traveller”.

2. Edit or add traveller email and hit ”Send email”.

Print Registration Card

1. Click on the printer icon.

2. Select “Registration card” in the dropdown.

3. Registration card is now downloaded as a PDF (which can then be printed).

Hotel terms and conditions can be set up through the Hotel Settings --> Hotel Content page.

Can't find your answer? Contact the ZUZU Helpline

Tags: Print, booking details, traveller folio, registration card, printer icon, download, PDF, email traveller folio, email to traveller, traveller email, send email