Understanding The Report through Examples

Use case 1: 

  • As a hotel user or revenue manager, I would like to see what has already booked as of 1 Sep, for stays from 1 Sep to 31 Oct.
  • I would also like to see out of all the room nights already booked for stays from 1 Sep to 30 Nov, how many were booked from 15 Aug to 1 Sep.

Apply the following filter criteria:

  1. Set ”On the books as of” date to 1 Sep.
  2. Set “Show from” date to 1 Sep.
  3. Set “Pick-up date” to 15 Aug.                    

View Data by Month

By default, stay data in the OTB report is broken down by day.

To view by month, select “Calendar month” in the “Show by” filter.

1. 999+603=1,602 room nights have already booked as of 1 Sep, for stays from 1 Sep to 31 Oct.

2. Out of these 1,602 room nights, 494+273=767 room nights were booked from 15 Aug to 1 Sep.

Use case 2:

  • As a hotel user or revenue manager, I would like to see actualized (completed stays) room nights for stays from 1 Jul to 31 Jul and compare that against what has already been booked as of 1 Aug, for stays from 1 Aug to 31 Aug.
  • I would also like to see out of all the room nights already booked for stays from 1 Aug to 31 Aug, how many were booked from 15 Jul to 1 Aug.

Apply the following filter criteria:

  1. Set ”On the books as of” date to 1 Aug.
  2. Set “Show from” date to 1 Jul.
  3. Set “Pick-up date” to 15 Jul.

  1. A total of 1,510 room nights were stayed from 1 Jul to 31 Jul (actualized).
  2. 760 room nights have already been booked as of 1 Aug, for stays from 1 Aug to 31 Aug.
  3. Out of these 760 room nights, 326 room nights were booked from 15 Jul to 1 Aug.

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Tags: On the books, on the books report, OTB report, report, on the books example, on the books case, room nights, filter criteria, on the books as of, show from, pick-up date