The On the books (OTB) report:

  • Shows revenue that has already been booked as of today or as of any other specific date.
  • Shows pickup over a specified period.
  • Allows users to review recent performance, and do revenue forecasting based on pickup trends.

By default, the OTB report shows:

  1. What is on the books as of TODAY (what has been booked up to today), for stays over the next 3 months.
  2. What is the pickup from a week ago till today (bookings made less cancels), for stays over the next 3 months.

Eg. if 40 RNs were booked last week for stay in Oct, but 10 RNs (booked last week AND prior to last week) for stay in Oct were cancelled last week, then the pickup last week for stay in Oct is 40-10=30 RNs.

By default, the OTB report:

  • Shows gross revenue (before deduction of any commissions) only from room charges and not other hotel chargeable items. The net revenue includes taxes and service charge if any (after deduction of all commissions including commissions from postpay channels such as only from room charges and not other hotel chargeable items.
  • Shows raw occupancy.
  • Includes (cancellation penalty) revenue from cancelled and no-show bookings.
  • Includes pre-booked bookings and manual bookings.
  • Excludes test bookings.

Things to note:

  • Pickup can be negative, if cancellations are more than bookings. For example - from 1 Jul to 31 Aug, 5 new room nights were booked for Oct stay but 10 previously booked room nights were cancelled. Pickup from 1 Jul to 31 Aug for Oct stay period would therefore show as -5 room nights.
  • “Pick-up” date cannot be after “On the books as of” date.
  • A user can only pick a “Show from” date up to 3 months before “On the books as of” date.
  • Maximum stay date range that can be viewed in report is 89 days from “Show from” date.

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Tags: On the books report, on the books, OTB, revenue, pickup, recent performance, revenue forecasting, pickup trends, gross revenue, raw occupancy, pre-booked bookings, manual bookings, cancellation penalty revenue